+ Is Camp Wonderful wheelchair accessible?

Camp is not 100% wheelchair accessible. If you have an accessibility need, please get in touch with us at so that we can make double sure that we can get you where you want to go!

+ Accessibility on Package bookings

You can request special assistance such as use of a wheelchair, or accommodations for a service animal. Contact us to confirm the requests for each segment of your trip.

+ Changing your booking

If you still need help with your reservation or need to make special requests, such as accessibility options, contact us directly at

+ Making special requests when booking

You can make special requests as you book your accommodation. Please contact us directly to to confirm we have the required accessibility features.

+ Book an accessible accommodation

We can help guests with specific needs, such as accessible bathrooms. Camp Wonderful can help you find and book just the right spot. Please get in touch with us at

+ Is Camp Wonderful inclusive?

Camp Wonderful aims to be wildly inclusive: we welcome folks of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, gender expressions, and abilities, all bodies, all curves, all curls. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, or Xenophobia. All are welcome.

Caolan Hunter