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2019 Counselors



Ash is a writer and engineer with a preference for being outdoors, and a passion for bringing people together. Currently living out of two backpacks and via the hospitality of Airbnb hosts, Ash bounces between the foggy peaks of San Francisco, and the New England of his childhood. At camp, he's excited to get people writing creatively about their experiences.


Woop Woop

Woop Woop is a music loving, plant eating, barefoot hiking, nomadic rainbow dancing wild woman!!! She is SO excited to connect with all of you beautiful souls and pumped to share some deep belly laughs, sing some late night songs by the campfire and share some AcroYoga magical fun under the stars!


Smashy Smashy

Smashy Smashy is a performer, teacher and rabble-rouser. She creates solo and immersive theater that she tours around the world by bicycle, also teaching physical theater and organizing creative political actions to protect the environment and for the migrant crisis. She is thrilled to join you for some play workshops that connect to your body, harness your creative impulses, and discover your dormant power and imaginary world within.


More to come!




Jonah Spear

Jonah is a lifelong summer camp devotee. Read his thoughts on camp here.
He has co-directed youth camps at Rowe Camp and Conference Center, launched and co-hosted family camps at Rancho La Puerta and The Esalen Institute, and told terrible jokes, run awesome play-shops, and co-conceived color wars as a counselor at Camp Grounded. Jonah's background in theater, circus, and dance also informs his work as program director at Second Response, a humanitarian aid organization dedicated to building community resilience using somatic approaches to self regulation. Together with his father, he teaches workshops and PLAYshops to caregivers, teachers, and young people all around the world.

Ginger Circle.png

Paige Carter
Ginger Wednesday

MANAGING DIRECTOR, Paige is an event producer and theatrical stage manager in NYC, passionate about sharing the power of play with adults. Paige's knack for creating quality events and experiences pairs well with her love for getting away to recharge & reconnect, making Camp Wonderful an ideal playground.


Randy Kohn
Mr Falcon Ribble, King Ninja Turtle

Randy is an entrepreneur, trapeze artist and overall renaissance man from New Jersey. He had his first sleep away camp experience shortly after his parents decided his high energy personality was too much for them to handle year round. It was at French Woods Camp where he was first introduced to the flying trapeze and he spent the next nine years as a camper and staff member. Randy’s time at French Woods set him up for a career in circus schools and flying trapeze. Randy grew up to literally run away and join the circus, and at 24 performed a triple somersault in front of a live audience, a rare feat that only few artists have accomplished. After returning home spent the last seven years working in sales and strategy at tech start-ups. He still runs away to visit trapeze schools any chance he gets.

Molly McLeod

ART DIRECTOR Molly loves creating amazing experiences for people — whether it’s designing board games, helping local governments design better services for people, making zines about creativity and friendship, or organizing a summer camp! She can't wait to show you how to paint signs and spin brooms.